Fractions Numbers & Operations -- Fractions Site Business

Error Patterns in Computation


This is a snapshot of a book by Robert Ashlock, Error Patterns in Computation.

Penny for your thoughts in the comments. How does a book like that relate to a blog like this?

Also, jump in if you have anything interesting to say about this sort of fractions error.

Algebra 1 Grade 4 Numbers & Operations -- Fractions

Equivalent Fractions

Same question, but 6 different pieces of student work.

What is a lesson that you can glean from this question and these student responses? Say you’re the teacher of this class. What do you do next? (For full context: the submitted pictures are from a 9th grade Algebra 1 classroom.)

Fractions Numbers & Operations -- Fractions

“Fractions are really small things.”

Today isn’t a sample of student work, exactly. It’s an interview with a kid.




[Source: How Students Learn: Mathematics in the Classroom, p.314]