Exponential Functions Interpreting Functions Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models* Rational Expressions

Seeing Exponentials Where They Aint

Photo (4)


Did this kid just get excited by a coincidence? Or is there something deeper going on here?

(Thanks Tina!)

Expressions Rational Expressions Seeing Structure in Expressions

Squaring doesn’t make equivalent fractions



Squaring doesn’t make equivalent fractions.

Thanks again to Gregory Taylor for the submission.


Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions Feedback Rational Expressions

Rational Expressions



How would you help this student?

Another thought: would this student have made this mistake at the beginning of the problem? In other words, is this mistake more likely to happen as the problem goes on than at the beginning? If so, then what does that say about problem-solving?

Thanks to Anna for the submission!

Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions Feedback Rational Expressions Rational Expressions

Factoring + Rational Expressions

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What’s the fastest way of helping these students?

Thanks to Anna for the submissions.


exponents Rational Expressions Seeing Structure in Expressions


What’s going on in this (reconstructed) student work? Tell a story in the comments.

And then go thank Christopher Danielson for sharing this stuff.

Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions exponents Rational Expressions Seeing Structure in Expressions


What’s the mistake? Diagnose the disease, and find the cure in the comments.

Thanks to Anna Blintsein for the submissions. Go follow her on twitter!

Rational Expressions Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities Solving Linear Equations

Solving equations with fractions

Where did the kid get 48 from? How would you help him, err, not get 48 in the future?