Geometry Quadrilaterals

Parallelogram Problems



This is a straight up student-empathy question: what was this kid’s thought process like?

Thanks to Tina for the submission!

Editor’s Note: I categorized this as Grade 7 – Geometry in the CCSS, but I’m not really sure if that’s right. Where does this belong?

Feedback Geometry Quadrilaterals

A Parallelogram is a Rhombus

ASN 6 2 ASN 6

These are some “Always, Sometimes, Never” questions. Like, “Is it always, sometimes or never true that a rhombus is a parallelogram.”

What’s the fastest way to help these students?

(Thanks for the submission, Tina C!)

Geometric Measurement and Dimension Geometry High School: Geometry Pythagorean Theorem Quadrilaterals Similarity, Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Baseball Fields and Geometry

What made this question hard for the student? How come they got it wrong? Why did the student get it wrong in this particular way?

Today’s submission comes from Tina Cardone, who blogs at Drawing On Math.

Geometry Quadrilaterals

False Symmetry


How do you get kids to stop seeing symmetry when it just isn’t there?