Expressions Expressions & Equations

Order of Operations



How would you help this student?

Thanks to Chris Robinson for the submission.

Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions exponents Expressions Seeing Structure in Expressions Simplifying expressions

Combining Like Terms + Exponents

Here are 7 mistakes. There represent all of the variety of mistakes from a selection of 36 students. The first two mistakes were repeated by several students, but the last 5 were unique in the sample.


IMG_2605IMG_2604IMG_2603IMG_2602 IMG_2600 IMG_2599

Which of these mistakes would you predict? Which ones surprise you? Can you make sense of them all?

Expressions Seeing Structure in Expressions

Number Tricks and Expressions


Comment on anything, but note the parentheses.


Expressions High School: Functions

Evaluating Expressions

What’s interesting about these mistakes?

Algebra 1 Multiplying Polynomials Seeing Structure in Expressions

Multiplying Monomials and Binomials

Why would 2m \times m^{2} = 3m^{2}? Or 2m^{2}?

This mistake was brought to you by the letters M, A, R, Y, B, O, U, R, A, S, S, and A. You can follow her on twitter and on her blog.


Expressions Seeing Structure in Expressions

Words –> Expressions

How would you help this student become sensitive to this language?

Another quality submission from John Weisenfeld.