Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability Probability

What are your chances of flipping exactly 2 tails?



Can you explain where each of the student’s responses came from? As in, how did he arrive at 8/24, 14/96, and what is either 24/72 or 14/72.

Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability Probability

What are your chances of rolling a seven?



Where did 12/36 come from in part B?

Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability High School: Statistics and Probability Probability

Coin Flipping

I saw this one in class last week:

Probability of flipping 10 heads when flipping 10 coins: (1/2)^10

Probability of flipping 9 heads when flipping 10 coins: (1/2)^9

Probability Statistics & Probability

Probability Problem (from SBAC)

What say you all about this work?

Thanks to Andrew for the submission!

Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability Probability

“You ought to get that probability at least once.”

At 1:30, a student says, “if you do that probability 3 times, you ought to get that probability at least once.”

How should I have responded to this student? (I actually have the footage, which we can analyze at some point if we think that’d be fun.)