I’m inclined to say that this is a classic working memory mistake. You’ve got a resources-heavy calculation being done in the student’s head, and you’ve got this 3 floating around in the problem, and it ends up in the ones place.
Agree? Disagree? Thoughts?
2 replies on “More, More Numbers and Operations in Base 10”
For the old blind bats in the room (or bat, if I’m alone): it’s challenging to see these last few scans with the heavy shadows. Also, what grade are the students?
That said: I would want to watch the student or have her/him do some similar problems and see if this is a fairly frequent error, and if it is dependent upon certain number combinations or fairly random. Your speculation might be right, but based on this single example, it’s hard to say.
Yeah, sorry about the scans. Using my new iThing is convenient, but images aren’t coming out so well. I’ll revert back to my old clunker of a camera. And these are 4th graders, on the first day of school.