Feedback Geometry Naming Coordinates Transformations Uncategorized

Naming Coordinates, Feedback and Revision

First, the mistake:



Then, the feedback with revisions in red pencil. (I love the idea of doing revisions in different ink color. Credit to Lisa for that.)



I notice that the kid didn’t write them as (x,y) but wrote them as x,y. I wonder how come he did that? Or, more precisely, I wonder if he doesn’t see much of a difference between (x,y) and x,y or if three is some other reason for leaving off the parentheses.

(By the way, before you try to nitpick the feedback check out this conversation on twitter about it.)

2 replies on “Naming Coordinates, Feedback and Revision”

Kid didn’t think it mattered, and it doesn’t until there is more stuff on the line.

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